Monday 7 February 2011

Quad Magazine..

Quad Magazine is a free magazine distributed  to the graduates of Queen Mary University of London.

Here I have reviewed the front cover of the magazine.

The magazine is clearly aimed at the older, more sophisticated audience. It's distributed to graduates of the Queen Mary University of London, so you're not exactly getting anything "dumbed down". The aim of an older and more sophisticated audience is emphasized from the first image that catches your eye, an image of a very stern looking lady in the top left hand corner.

The layout of the front cover is also very basic and simple, with all pictures laid out in blocks, text is well conserved and simple, and even the title has a plain bold text. Though this may not be the most mind blowing front cover, it will no doubt appeal to it's targeted audience, the sophisticated graduates looking for a smart magazine to read.

3 stories are mentioned on the left hand side, with 3 pictures to go with each story. Apart from that, there are a few images of other well groomed people on the front cover.

The magazine looks quite plain but will no doubt be attractive to it's targeted audience. Will anybody actually pay for this magazine? I highly doubt it. No wonder it's free.

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